You- are my life

You- are my paradise…

Oh my dear mom!

Without you,

Survival– would be one hell of an exercise!

From dusk till dawn,

For everlasting days and months

You- are always there for me!

Through thick and thin, you give me love and affection,

And how, do you manage to handle me impeccably,

Even with all my imperfections!

You take care of me: just like god

And never– have you made a mistake in doing so.

Today, here I am

With all my heart and soul

Apologizing for all my asinine mistakes and jokes,

And thanking you– for everything– you have done for me.

Hoping to return you the love and care

Even more, when you need it,

I– from the depths of my heart

Truly give you all of me!



Isha Lakhani

“That's what makes death so hard – unsatisfied curiosity.”